About Us
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health (IFNH). IFNH is a non-profit educational organization reaching out to healthcare professionals. The focus of IFNH is on whole food nutritional research spanning over 140 years from many renowned leaders in the fields of medicine, biochemistry and dentistry.
IFNH was given the mission of keeping the spirit of Dr. Royal Lee and the work of the Lee Foundation alive. IFNH takes the responsibility and custodianship of Drs. Weston A. Price, Francis Pottenger Jr., Royal Lee, Melvin A. Page, Henry R. Harrower, Harold F. Hawkins, John A. Myers, Harvey W. Wiley, John H. Tilden, Antoine Béchamp and the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research seriously. In that endeavor we feel it is our duty to perpetuate those philosophies on whole food nutrition. IFNH has strived to re-publish many of the original copyrighted works held in trust by the Lee Foundation including those held by those nutritional pioneers as well as other notable researchers. These early pioneers of nutrition paved the way for many healthcare professionals and researchers of today. It is our belief that these classic works are as important today as when they were first published.
IFNH’s basic philosophy
We believe that health starts from the ground up. Decades of research tells us that there is a link between healthy people and a lifestyle that follows a natural whole food diet. It is our belief that most of the research on nutrition before the mid-1940s was done with natural whole foods, whereas the research after WWII was done in most cases with synthesized chemical by-products. We believe natural whole food is therapeutic. It is also our belief that there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. The answers to many of our health needs are well stated and documented in these earlier works using natural whole foods.